Thursday, February 10, 2011

pros and cons of blogging

Nowadays,blogging is getting more and more popular as the ways of communication changed from the past ten years.Blogging is becoming popular as we are able to communicate with one another without meeting each other or see eye to eye.Blogging is also free unlike sms,a commom source of messaging used by most people today.But you can only blog when you are connected to the internet.

           There are some restrictions to blogging.We should not violate others privacy as everybody has their own personal space.We should not insult one another by using vulgarities or words that can hurt ones feelings and emotions as others may view your post.The blog is not completely yours therefore you should not type as you wish on the blog,you should care for the other users and your audience.

       We should also express our views and opinions on the blog so that others will know what we have learnt through this inccident,and learn from your personal experiences.

   We can also be creative and make the blog look interesting so that others would want to read it.By doing so,we can educate one another through different experiences.We should also be original and not copyright others as they have place in the hardwork to do it and you cannot just copy it.

   By promoting blogging to others,we can create a network where where everybody can blog to one another about their differnt experiences,and share their personal knowledge and interest.

done by:Ernest
             kia yi
             tat keng

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